Hi Friends! Let’s look at my take wearing denim on denim!
I’ve been scared of wearing similar color denim on denim for probably the last 15 years. I think it has to do with the looking like I’m wearing a old school Karl Kani jean jacket outfit. Haha. I honestly can pin point my fear off too much denim to that specific early 90’s designer. 😀 Fortunately, I’ve moved on from this fear as of late and I gotta say I plan on repeating this look a few more times in the near future.

I just tried this combination the other day when I was getting ready for a birthday party and has a, “wow, that was easy” moment. The chambray top with the denim skirt paired together perfectly. I picked up the flats at the J. Crew factory store outlet in one of my favorite malls in North Jersey. I love the vibrant color and the eye-catching tassels. I haven’t worn pointy shoes in quite some time, but these were calling my name, so obviously, I couldn’t just leave them there! I like how versatile they are. P.s – they were on sale and most of all, COMFORTABLE.

This look is:
& simple
Outfit Details:
Skirt – One Teaspoon / Nordstrom Rack l Shirt – Forever 21 l Shoes – J. Crew

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