Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.” – Marva Collins

Marva Collins’ strong words are so powerful and real, they still linger although I’ve read them a bunch of times. One of the main reasons why I have been focusing on comfortable style is because doing what worked for other people did not work for me. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I can’t wear HIGH heel pumps (we’ll leave platforms out of this category). I can technically wear them, but I won’t be comfortable. I’m comfortable and confident in my below 4″ lane. My low “high” heels are what works for me and I feel so confident expressing that and wearing what looks good for my personal style. How many of you have seen that wobbly girl in the mall, club or on the street struggling to walk straight in heels or walk at all? Can we all just hold hands and admit that we don’t want to be that girl. I know its not just me.

This look is part two of a three part series for Valentine’s Day outfit inspiration. On my last blog post, I showed you this same pink sweater. The two looks are completely different.

This look is perfect for a quick after work Valentine’s outing. It’s also great inspiration for those who want to be in the Valentine’s Day spirit, but don’t necessarily want to wear red hearts. This can work for teachers, corporate ladies and girl bosses.
Who else can this look work for? Let me know in the comments below!
This look is:
girl boss-esque
& stylish
Related Posts:
Valentine’s Day Street Style
Red Lace Dress for Valentine’s Day

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